Frequently Asked Questions

  • Greene & Marusak focuses on representing veterans and their family members for VA Service-Connected Disability Benefits. There are several types of disability cases, including, but not limited to:

    Total Disability Based Upon Individual Unemployability (TDIU)

    PTSD, including due to MST

    Psychiatric conditions other than PTSD

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

    Orthopedic Conditions

    Chemical Exposure

    Herbicide / Agent Orange Exposure


    Boots on the Ground

    Blue Water

    Inland Waterways


    Korean DMZ

    Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

    Fort McClellan

    Burnpit Exposure

    Persian Gulf War Illness

    Death Benefits

    Cause of Death (COD)

    Dependents Indemnity Compensation (DIC)

    Accrued Benefits

    Clear and Unmistakeable Error (CUE)

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

    Special Monthly Compensation (SMC)

  • Yes! In fact, most of our clients are from out of state. We have represented veterans from almost every state, as well as Puerto Rico and Guam. We have also traveled across the country to attend hearings for our clients.

  • No. Be wary if someone tells you it will. VA does not process claims faster just because a veteran is represented by a service organization or attorney.

    However, your claim may be EXPEDITED under certain circumstances, like serious illness or extreme financial hardship. We assess each client’s case to see if their claim can be expedited. Furthermore, our goal is to use our legal knowledge, attention to detail, and investment in your case to help you get a GRANT sooner.

  • We typically work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only get paid if we win you a retroactive award of benefits. Your monthly compensation payments going forward are 100% yours.

    Like our fees, costs are only collected if we win and you receive a retro-payment. Costs may be incurred from obtaining expert reports or medical records on behalf of a client. We work hard to minimize costs and will get your approval before incurring any in your case.

    We pride ourselves in being honest and straightforward with our fee and cost policy. Before we start representing you, we will fully explain our fee agreement and answer any and all questions you have.

  • Absolutely not. Not only does intentionally delaying a case not make business sense, but it is also strategically illogical, as well as unethical.

    Greene & Marusak is committed to proactive representation and is dedicated to resolving your appeal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    The faster we win your case, the faster we can help the next Veteran.

  • Not necessarily. In some cases, a hearing can be helpful, but the Board has historically had a large backlog of hearings on their docket. Waiting for a hearing can delay a case for years. Often, an affidavit or written statement from you, a family member, or friend, can be as effective and have your claim decided faster. We evaluate each case to see whether a hearing is the best course of action.

  • Effective February 2019, VA is implementing a new VA appeals process. In this new system, Veterans will have to choose between 3 different “lanes” for their claim to be reviewed:

    1) Supplemental Claim Lane – Can submit new and relevant evidence

    2) Higher Level Review – No new evidence, claim reviewed by a senior claims adjudicator

    3) Board Lane- Appeal Directly to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. Once at the Board, Veterans will have the option to choose between 3 additional review options:

    Direct Review- No new evidence and no hearing

    Evidence Submission: Can submit new evidence, but no hearing

    Hearing: New evidence and a hearing

    Visit VA’s Website to learn more

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Phone: 1-844-4VETREP (483-8737)